Congress "Acts" (crazy)
Okay, this is the latest I have come to understand. So the House passes this bill at the very last moment that is supposed to address the refugee crisis on our border. It is done just for political showmanship so these persons who have been elected to do something can look good during their August recess. Boehner was no desperate to get something done so he wouldn't look totally like a horses rear and at the same time trying to appease the tea partiers hands over the responsibility for writing the bill to the only person in the House who is dumber than him, Michelle Bachman. So nothing is passed, because it can't go anywhere because of the recess, our heroes go home and get to boast that they did something while Obama did nothing and aren't we great. And in the meantime, if nothing passes, things are rigged so that, if no bill is passed, money that is meant for agencies that serve refugees throughout the country, (people coming here because they have no choice, people from Congo, Bhutan, Iraq, Afghanistan, people who fled their countries under threat and danger), will be automatically taken to fund some unknown as of yet undefined "actions" on the border. These will likely be more detention centers and more law enforcement. The refugee agencies are looking at cuts as high as 46%!!!. And in the meantime, the State Department, which is in charge off establishing the numbers of refugees allowed into the country has finally gotten it's numbers back up to pre-9/11 numbers. The refugee agencies are being told that the numbers will stay up even if their funding is cut. Who on Earth is running this country?
We are living through some of the most cynical, nasty times that I can remember in my adult life. The "center is not going to hold" if kind of foolishness prevails. Write to your House members and let them know that they are elected to serve the people, respond to national problems and act like grown ups. This may be far too much to ask, but ask we must.
P.S. Please feel free to comment with any correction of information I have included in this post. I have just talked to people in the know here and read what is available and listened to what I consider to be reliable sources of news.