Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Okay.  I just read something on Facebook that I must comment on.  I tried to comment but then it looked like it didn't take.  The posting was supposed to be a long diatribe by Bill Cosby about "being tired" everything,  from the government trying to take away his money and give it to people with "no work ethic" to how terrible Muslims are.  And a bunch of other nonsense in between. My comment was "I'll tell you what I'm tired of.  I'm tired of rich people who have had every benefit available from capitalism tell me how tired they are of everything. If Bill Cosby is so damn tired, why doesn't he go take a nap." I guess we have come a long way when rich black folk can talk out of their asses right along side of rich white folk.  This is what people suffered for during the civil rights era I guess.

My question is: When did we become a nation of people who like to blame everybody else for what is wrong with everything.  It's the people with "no work ethic", as if there is a whole class of people out there livin' off the government doing nothing.  In case you weren't looking Bill Cosby and others who think like him, welfare as we know it was pretty much eliminated during the Clinton era.  In Idaho you can get "welfare" but it's something like $250 per month and you have to practically kill yourself for the privilege of receiving it.  It's awful and degrading and anyone who is desperate enough to need it ought to damn well be able to get it without the likes the Bill Cosby's of the world ragging on them about it.  I know this because I made my living knowing it. If Bill or others are talking about people on disability having "no work ethic" then I invite them to live in some country where there is none and then write me a letter about it.  Another object of blame for Mr. Cosby was those nasty Muslims who are doing everything from being responsible for female genital mutilation to somehow making it so that Cosby doesn't have enough to live on in retirement, for chrissake.  If you are dumb enough to think that it is somehow written in the Quaran that females should undergo genital mutilation then I have a bridge I want to sell to you, too.  Genital mutilation has to do with culture, not religion. If we are going to blame Islam for every damn thing wrong in the world then we better not forget about Christianity which has not exactly been the bearer of all things Christlike over the many centuries, in case anyone is wondering.  Case in point: Pat Robertson telling the world  recently that we should not buy towels from Kenya because they carry AIDS.  This is the type of wisdom we have come to expect from so called Christian leadership.  (this was on Facebook, too.  Could be that my source is a little limited and crazy and if so, like Emily Littela, "Well, never mind".)

In summary, for God's Sake, get a grip and get to work making this a better world and quit blaming everybody else for every damn thing that is wrong.(unless, of course it is the stuff I agree with that needs to be blamed)  I have attempted to attach the link here to Cosby's statement.  If you are able to get to it, you will see that Bill is posing for his photo with a nasty looking beard.  I say, get a razor, Bill and quit embarrassing your wife.  


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