Saturday, July 12, 2014

And so it begins....

Hello from Wonderland.  I have decided after reading the wonderful novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie that I would start a blog.  That book is Americanah and I recommend it to anyone even vaguely interested in just about anything.  From how someone from another country views the U.S. to the journey of love to race issues in the U.S.  She is a wonderful writer.  In the book she writes a blog all about her observations about the U.S., particularly observations about African Americans and people immigrating from Africa.  It's beautiful and it inspired me to start a blog.  See, I sometimes get kind of carried away writing way too long posts on Facebook, because I get fired up about one thing or another and feel compelled to write.  I have many opinions about many things.  And since I have fallen down the rabbit hole of retirement, I now have more time to do it. So today I start.  Just wanted to get going with the thing.  More to come I hope.  Here I am in my dotage:

1 comment:

  1. Love it Linda - great picture of you - you look pretty darned good in your dotage! and how fitting that someone is holding a bottle of wine for you :)
